Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Viva Amtrak: Chi to LA

Even as I write, shoeless older adults with extreme infirmities are being stopped and screened at airports around the country.

I don't want to jinx anything, but Amtrak's one smooth take-off. Here's Art chillin' in the Metropolitan Lounge in Chi, awaiting the call to our train. Free wi-fi, java, and snacks.
The worst part is the diesel exhaust that fills the underground boarding area.

But inside it's good to stretch out. See upper bunk on left? The couch pulls out to be lower bunk. There's even a tiny private bathroom to your right, complete with shower.

Our gracious cabin attendant Linda stops by to assure us she's there for anything we need. Ice, coffee, juice, bed turn-down. Then she moves on to other sleeping compartments.

Art sets up  the GPS so we can track our progress on the ipad map. He's showing off his new pass-through power cable, which passes charging power through the GPS device and into the ipad.

If you've read this space before, it's the same story (!).  We've got an earlybird dinner rez--5:15.  Time for cocktails and, yes, our cooler's ready with booze, snacks, and mixers (along with fruit, veggies, cheese, and kefir). We'll be rocked to sleep tonight...


  1. Have a great time you two. See you when you get back

  2. I am so glad you are writing about your trip. I love following your adventures.

