Sunday, September 13, 2015

Tasman Day + Jester House Cafe Redux (Sans Eels)

Work day for me Monday, so a post mostly in pictures...

Oranges and lemons grow everywhere in this region, fruiting in the winter. This is where we're staying, and Stephanie just picked me a ripe tangerine. Ooo!

More spring blooms.

Last time we were here, it was autumn and our host Roger was working at this apple packing place half a block from the house.

We walked to Jester House Cafe and enjoyed a meal possibly more delicious than last time.
Remember this kitty? She's going on 17 years. Here she waits longingly above the tame eel stream. If you don't remember why, click here.

For lunch, pan-fried gurnard with potatoes and salad, ranking among the best meals I've had in NZ. "It doesn't get any fresher than this--caught this morning," the Jester House owner said as he served. Looking back to when we were last here, I noted I had the same thing.

We began inside, moving outdoors when the sun came out.

A softly warm day

Art's dessert: vanilla ice cream with a shot each of espresso + Kahlua. Adult milkshake extraordinaire.

There's a lot of food on the roadside here--eggs, fruit, produce. On the walk back, a stop at The Grind Coffee Roasters for a bag of French Press grind. Mmm. It's emitting a seductive scent even as I type.

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